Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my corner of the internet, where culinary adventures, rhythmic melodies, sparse lines of code, and tales of exploration converge! I’m thrilled to invite you on a journey through the myriad passions that color my life. As an avid home chef, I find solace and creativity in the kitchen, crafting dishes that tantalize the taste buds and nourish the soul. When I’m not wielding a spatula, you’ll likely find me on stage, grooving to the bass lines that underscore our band’s melodic narratives. But the music doesn’t stop there; I’m equally enthralled by the harmonies of programming languages, continuously exploring the digital symphony of algorithms and innovation.

Alongside my beloved wife, I embark on adventures to far-flung (well, mostly near-flung) destinations, where each new experience enriches our bond and broadens our horizons. Amidst it all, family remains my anchor, grounding me in love, laughter, and cherished memories. Join me as I share snippets of my many journeys, brimming with flavor, rhythm, and exploration.

Carrot layer cake

Carrot layer cake

Preparing this cake in a half sheet pan means that it bakes and cools in far less time than a conventional layer cake, and‐cut into quarters‐it produces four thin, level layers that do not require splitting or trimming before frosting.

Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts

This was a yummy little concoction I made tonight, and it was so good, I thought I’d post it up for you all to enjoy! I found this basic Roasted Brussels Sprout recipe (thanks Barefoot Contessa)… I decided to kick it up a notch and add whole garlic cloves!

Fun with Nikon D3s

I had a friend recently ask me to take some pictures of his daughter who plays basketball for Northampton.   So far this year, I have taken...

Chicken Mashed Broccoli

Chicken Mashed Broccoli This is more named for the ingredients than really it being "Mashed Broccoli"... I've been making a recipe that I found on...