I go hot and cold with picture taking – I used to take a thousand pictures but I kind of lost interest and then got interested again and well you get the picture.
So, we went to our friends house in Bristol, RI and the view was just beautiful! I decided to take a bunch of pictures – I took a series of pictures of their view and tried to see if I could come up with at nice panoramic picture for them.
After doing some searching I found a product called The Panorama Factory and it works GREAT. I’m still tweaking the image a bit, but I took a series of pictures at Black Hall Marina and stitched them together to create the following panorama: Black Hall Panorama
I’ll post the other one once I’ve cleaned it up…. now, all I need to get is a good micro lense for my Nikon D70 and I’ll be happy again :).
Hey, I just got Adobe CS3 with the new Photoshop and it has an amazing stitching function. Blew my socks off. You would love the new version. All sorts of goodies for geeks like us.