In today’s installment of “picture taking 101”, I will discuss WAY OVER THINKING whether or not a shot looks good SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera).
I went for a little ride today with my trusty Nikon D70 to take a few pictures of this week’s theme “close ups”. I wasn’t as diligent as I probably could have been, but I found a pond on my travels and took the following picture:
What’s annoying to me is that either my eyes are blurry (i.e. my prescription is off) OR my lens is autofocusing wrong OR autofocusing in a place other than what I intended the focus to take place. This was my second or third shot, the first two having the subject a bit blurry.
I played with a couple of different settings: Aperature priority and then Shutter priority. I was reading that depending on which you use, you will get different results. Not sure if I got the intended results, but this was pretty good.
After looking at it for a while, I decided it might look better cropped and touched up a taste:
I know that you should work in thirds, i.e. don’t put the subject dead center in the picture, but put it in one third of the shot. So, I cropped this one so that the bird was in the first third of the frame.
Then, I applied some color enhancement and adjusted the highlights a bit.
This is where I get into trouble. Should I just leave it alone and just crop the shot OR should I crop and adjust, or ??
I’m somewhat happy with the picture, so I guess I should just be happy and move on. But that taste of “should I or shouldn’t I” keeps creeping in.
If anything, if I continue to take pictures, I’ll get a feel for it and know when enough is enough.
Right now, I’m looking at taking a workshop here. They do have a “camera club” option, so I’m going to see if my friends who snap shots at Dig Our Pics would be interested in a group type thing.
OMG, I wanna go too!! But I’m embarrassed to show up with my little pink point-and-shoot camera. Wait a minute. I just realized that this workshop is sponsored by Panasonic Lumix and that’s the camera that I have! OK, I’m in.
Ok, one down, two to go! I wonder if they give a volume discount? That would be cool, but even the “advanced class” is only $150. Not bad for a 8 hour class…